The right school

for the able, innovative and talented

Each year, some of North Wales’ finest and brightest young minds join our school, and we make it our mission to ensure they are consistently stimulated, challenged, and developing. In our commitment to ensure the more able and talented students (MAT) enjoy great progression here, we have appointed a member of staff to ensure their needs are always met.

The percentages achieving the top grades at A-level are well above national averages, and pupils secure places at Oxford, Cambridge, and other Russell Group Universities. Our Director of Sixth Form Studies supports such students in these applications to continue their studies at a higher education level.

Not all able students excel in all subjects. Each Department has a definition of a more able and talented pupil depending on the demands of the subject. We identify our most able students based on primary sector records coupled with evidence of ability and achievements at our school. Subject teachers will be asked to nominate the more able and talented pupils in their classes. The school also uses data to help identify pupils’ strengths and weaknesses.

We provide more able and talented pupils with opportunities to develop capabilities over a period through a range of teaching and learning styles. It is a requirement that schemes of work will include differentiated tasks, and some will demand higher skills to extend and challenge more able and talented students.

In a bid to encourage growth and development, we give our more able students opportunities outside the normal curriculum to shine and develop their interests. Trips and competitions often stimulate interest. We regularly win engineering competitions and challenges, we have been National Debating Champions, pupils regularly gain top marks in national Maths challenges, and a team of our pupils came in the top 25 in the world, reaching the international finals in Abu Dhabi in a competition to design and race model formula one cars.

Winners Engineering Competitions
Champions National Debating Competitions
Top Marks National Maths Challenges
Top 25 In the World Formula One Design Competition

In March 2023, we were thrilled to receive the NACE CHALLENGE AWARD – and remain so proud that we are the only secondary school in North Wales to currently hold this brilliant award. It was awarded in recognition of our provision for MAT students, but also the support we provide all pupils.

Rhoddwyd y wobr genedlaethol hon yn dilyn proses asesu drwyadl, a gydlynwyd gan ein Cydlynydd "Mwy Abl a Thalentog". 

Mae'r adroddiad ei hun yn cyfeirio at Ysgol Friars fel amgylchedd dysgu cadarnhaol lle mae disgyblion yn cael eu herio a'u cefnogi i fod y gorau y gallant fod. Roedd hefyd yn cydnabod y diwylliant blaengar a sefydlwyd a phwysigrwydd addysg a dysgu. 

Amlygodd sylwadau pellach safonau ymddygiad trawiadol disgyblion a'r addysgu o ansawdd uchel gan weithwyr proffesiynol gydag angerdd a brwdfrydedd gwirioneddol am eu pynciau. 

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