Our Vision

Our Statement

To foster enjoyment of learning to the highest standards through the creation of a bilingual, civilized community where pupils share a common set of values applicable to their local, national and global identity.

“Foedere Fraterno”

Our vision statement is based on our motto. Foedere means onward or moving forward and Fraterno is a brotherhood and refers to the community of monks where our school started in 1557

Our Purpose

The learning experiences will help pupils become:

  • Ambitious capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives
  • Ethical informed citizens of Wales and the World 
  • Healthy, confident individuals ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society
  • Enterprising creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work   

Our Views

Fe wnaethom ofyn i chi a'ch athrawon sut oeddech yn ystyried Ysgol Friars a'i disgyblion Gwelir uchod rai o'r  ansoddeiriau a ddefnyddiwyd gennych.

Our Experience

  • Each pupil is unique and the school recognises and celebrates this by valuing each individual equally.
  • All pupils are different in terms of ability, skills, styles of learning, interests, gender, race, culture, motivation and emotional intelligence
  • Pupils are involved in their own learning and have access to a broad, balanced curriculum which is adapted to meet the needs of the individual
  • The curriculum provides motivating experiences and pupils are challenged and stimulated within a supportive environment to achieve success
  • Lessons are designed to contain a range of activities and learning experiences