Is this a good school for my child?

One of the most difficult questions a parent will ask is - “Is this the right decision for my child?”

In all honesty, just by thinking this question alone, you are already heading in the right direction because you understand the importance of choosing the right school for your child to attend and how it will shape them as people, as well as their educational and academic abilities.

Nevertheless, it is a tricky question for parents to confidently answer, mainly because the vast information and data available can be confusing and conflicting, but we’re here to help.


Our numbers speak for themselves. As you’ll see, when you consider the numeracy and reading test results, students make great progress here.

In recent years, the Welsh Government introduced new performance measures, and based on these new indicators, it is clear that we are one of the top-performing schools in North Wales.

Check out our impressive GCSE results below

Comparing our 2023 GCSE results with Wales in 2019 (the last year whereby results were based upon external examinations prior to the Covid-19 pandemic) show that Ysgol Friars outperformed National Averages at all levels in all three years, and this year’s results are consistently strong.

GCSE Ysgol Friars Summer 2023 Ysgol Friars Summer 2022 Ysgol Friars Summer 2021 Wales Summer 2023 Wales Summer 2022 Wales Summer 2023
A*-A 29.8% 40.1% 37.0% 21.3% 25.8% 28.7%
A*-C 74.2% 81.5% 85.2% 64.5% 69.7% 73.6%
A*-G 98.1% 98.7% 99.8% 96.8% 97.5% 98.5%

The Capped Points Score is a performance measure calculating the average score for each student, capped at a specified volume of GCSEs or equivalent qualifications. The Capped 9 points score has replaced Level 2+ and Level 2 data.

The Capped 9 Points Score for learners in year 11 includes all qualifications up to and including Level 3 that are approved or designated for pre-16 use in Wales by the regulatory body in Wales, Qualifications Wales. It consists of nine slots, each worth the equivalent of one GCSE in volume. 7B and 2A grades would give a capped-9 of 426, on average students at Friars did better than that in 2023.

There are three subject-specific slots for each learner’s best results in: English or Welsh Language or Literature GCSE, Mathematics, or Mathematics (numeracy) GCSE, and Science GCSE. The six remaining slots capture each student’s best remaining qualifications to make a total of nine GCSEs or an equivalent volume of qualifications. Those who do not achieve a pass in the specified subjects receive a score of zero for that slot in the measure.

In 2023, preliminary data shows that Ysgol Friars students scored an average of 429.5 points in the Capped-9 measure. This is an impressively high score and further shows why Friars is one of the top-performing schools in North Wales.

A-Level Ysgol Friars Summer 2023 Ysgol Friars Summer 2022 Ysgol Friars Summer 2021 Wales Summer 2023 Wales Summer 2022 Wales Summer 2021
A* 11.9% 18.3% 37.4% 13.5% 17.1% 21.3%
A*-A 31.0% 39.5% 61.4% 34.0% 40.9% 48.3%
A*-E 97.3% 94.0% 99.8% 97.5% 98.0% 99.1%

The Welsh Government measures schools based on how many sixth formers achieve A* or A, A*-C and A*-E as well as a Wider Points

A smooth transition from Primary to Secondary School

The change from primary to secondary school is a huge leap for students, and we’re here to support them every step of the journey.

At Ysgol Friars, we have made it our mission to ensure this transition is seamless, enjoyable, and exciting for your child. Here’s how:

We invite Y5 pupils to our Discovery Day in the Summer term, allowing them to delve into a range of skilled-based activities and get a real taste of our school. We invite students to take part in our “Roll Over Day” towards the end of Y6, giving them a chance to experience a full day at Ysgol Friars before they join in September.
Our teaching staff visits schools to teach classes in Y6 during the course of the year. This gives students a taste of what to expect at Ysgol Friars, as well as a chance to meet our lovely team. Our Open Evening in November is an event we’d recommend you attend. Here you’ll get the chance to visit the school, meet the staff, pupils and other parents.
Senior Staff members visit all schools within the local catchment area in early Y6 to chat with the pupils, share our story, answer any questions they may have, and show them just how friendly we are. Towards the end of Y6, you and your child will be invited to our “Welcome to Friars Evening”, where you can meet the staff, and hear more about the school and how we will support your child in their learning.

Where pupils have additional learning needs (ALN), our ALN Co-ordinator (ALNCO) will prioritise attending the annual reviews of Y6 pupils were possible. It is essential to us that we ensure a smooth transfer to Ysgol Friars.

When children transfer to us from other secondary schools, we usually ask for copies of reports from previous schools before admission. This is to ensure we can meet the needs of children seeking to enter the school and, particularly for those beginning a GCSE course that has spaces available, which pupils wish to take. Parents/carers who have this information already should send it to the Year Group’s Head of Year, who oversees each year group and who will usually arrange the admission.charge of each year group and who will then usually arrange the admission.

We also provide two booklets

The first booklet is for the pupils and is updated every year. Written by pupils and staff, it contains maps, pictures and helpful tips about how to settle into their new school.

The second booklet is for you and gives advice on how you can help your children make a smooth transition to secondary school.