How will my child get to school?

Our school attracts students from all areas, far and wide, and while school buses do not run directly from each location, public transport is usually available and is accessible to/from the school.

Transport is provided for students along the coast road through Tal-y-Bont and Llandygai to Bangor. Buses also run through Hirael and Maesgeirchen and pick up at the town clock.

As always, we expect a high standard of behaviour at all times from our students. They represent our school at all times and must adhere to our values on the journey to and from school.

We welcome students from far and wide

⁠Mae Ysgol Friars yn ysgol hynod boblogaidd ac rydym yn falch o groesawu disgyblion o chyn belled â gogledd Môn a Phen Llŷn.

Cyn belled â bod lle i ddisgybl, nid oes unrhyw gyfyngiad ar le allant gael mynediad.

Ysgol Friars Catchment Area