A Typical Day at Ysgol Friars

Punctuality is important to us, so we expect students to be on site by 8:55am, and the school day finishes at 3:15pm.

Here’s everything you need to know about how the day is organised:

Y7-11 students must remain onsite for the entire day.

In special circumstances, if you wish for your child to return home for lunch, you must inform us in writing (via letter or email).

We have introduced a finger recognition system for use in the school’s canteens at morning break and lunchtime. Parents/guardians can credit their lunch money by using the School Gateway app.

Your child may also be given a pupils’ library card should they wish to borrow books from the school library. There will be a £2.50 replacement fee for any card lost.


Like all schools in North Wales, we follow Curriculum for Wales, and in many ways, the work that we do builds upon the foundations laid at primary school. However, the biggest difference is that they will be taught by different teachers, in different rooms, for each subject.

We’ve included an example school day below:

9.00am - 9.10am Registration Mr. Lyall-Hall B1
9.10am - 10.00am Period 1 History Mr. Hughes C3
10.00am - 10.50am Period 3 Mathematics Mr. Parry M1
10.50am - 11.10am Breaktime
11.00am - 12.00pm Period 3 English Miss. Davey S1
12.00pm - 12.50pm Period 4 Science Mr. Varty G4
12.50pm - 1.35pm Lunchtime
1.35pm - 2.25pm Period 5 Technology Mr. Holdsworth T2
2.25pm - 3.15pm Period 6 Music Mrs. Williams A7